Katia Isakoff is the founder of Women Produce Music (WPM), she is also a composer, producer, owner of a successful recording studio and an academic. Previously Katia has been to Lincoln to discuss her experience in a recording studio setting, this time she focussed her talk on the music industry itself. Katia Isakoff most recent endeavour has been to create Women Produce Music (WPM). This is set to improve the promotion of women who are producers music, as she believe that there seems to be a lack of women promoted within the industry. She used the example of Bjork produce most of her album and her friend who laid down the drums for her and got credit for producing.
To me, as a women in this industry, I find it important to look at these factors as it may be something that effects me in my later career. As Katia points out, the industry itself has already changed a lot over the past 10-20 years and is stepping towards gender equality, however the industry itself simply does have more men interested in it. Although this is not relevant to this project it was certainly relevant to me as a person who is a women in sound. WPM is set out to promote women in music and help them be noticed for there work. This will be most useful for me in the future and will be a good way of making contacts. I think the most important thing to think about when discussing gender equality within the music industry is that by discussing it we are able to learn more about why.