In this Lecture with Bryan he discussed an example of his own experience with working for a client on a radio drama. This specific project was for a BBC radio 7 drama on William Wilberforce to celebrate an anniversary of Wilberforce ending slavery across Britain. Bryan spoke about his steps in problem solving and research into the project. He spoke about how he wanted to make it as close to what it would have been in that era (this also including using locations that Wilberforce was actually present). Due to joining the crew on this project late Bryan had to re-plan a lot of the schedule as it was not efficient for the transmission date. He also had issues with location so had to quickly sort other locations so the recording could go ahead.
From Bryan’s talk I have taken more thought into what could go wrong on our project. Thinking more carefully about what issues may arise when we are filming and how we will be able to fix them quickly and efficiently so our job is easier in post. I have also taken more thought into authenticity of our sound; we are going to try and get as many extra sounds on location. This will help us build the atmosphere’s and foley when the time comes in post and for it to be as realistic as possible. He also spoke that in hindsight he would have shared out the responsibilities more. When everyone has more specific roles to the project it allows everyone to examine there area carefully. This will be very useful in our project to make sure we don’t miss any important details in our sound design.